Travel to and around this area may be disrupted. Please check local government guidance before you book.
Entire home
Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee
Photo gallery for Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee
9.69.6 out of 10
Entire home
4 bedrooms3 bathroomsSleeps 11
Popular amenities
- Parking available
- Pet-friendly
- Washer
- Pool
- Barbecue grill
- Air conditioning
Explore the area
- Yehi'am Fortress National ParkāŖ20 min driveā¬
- Montfort CastleāŖ21 min driveā¬
- Akko HarborāŖ23 min driveā¬
- Haifa (HFA)āŖ49 min driveā¬
Room options
About the area
At this villa, you'll be 14.2 km (8.8 mi) from Stern Winery and 15.7 km (9.8 mi) from Montfort Castle. .Villa features a private pool, a washing machine and free WiFi. In-room dining is easy with a kitchen that comes equipped with a fridge, a microwave and a stovetop. 2.5 bathrooms, a balcony and a TV are also available.
What's nearby
- Mansion of Bahji - 22 min drive
- Hamam al- Basha Turkish Bath - 22 min drive
- Akko Harbor - 23 min drive
- Haifa Port - 40 min drive
- Otzar Hastam of Tzfat - 43 min drive
Getting around
- Nahariya Station - 26 min drive
- āŖ×××Ø× - ā¬11 min drive
- āŖ×§×¤× ×××Ø,×פ×Ø ××Ø××× - ā¬9 min drive
- āŖAluma - ā¬10 min drive
- āŖ××”×¢××Ŗ ×× ××××Ø - ā¬11 min drive
- āŖ× ××¢××ש - ā¬9 min drive
About this property
Entire place
You'll have the entire home to yourself and will only share it with other guests in your party.
Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee
×××Ŗ× × ×©××× ×××¦×¤× ×××Ŗ× ×©××××× ×××¢×Ø××, ××××× 430 ×' ×צ××× ×ש×××Ø×Ŗ ××××¢ × ×× ×××Ŗ ××¢×ק. ××× ××קף ×ש×××× ××Ø××××× ×¦×××Ø×××, ×××¢ ××××¢× ×××Ŗ×× ×××× × ×©×§×£ ××× ×. ××× ×Ŗ××× ×©×§××¢××Ŗ ×פ×פ×××Ŗ, ××Ø××××Ŗ ××Ø×¢× × ××Ŗ (×× ×ק×ׄ) ××Ŗצ×× ××××¢ ×ש×Ø ×××××Ŗ ×× ××Ŗ× ×Ŗ×××©× ×©× ×©×§×, ×Ø×××¢ ×פ×Ø××××Ŗ (×× ××× ×××Ŗ שצ××¤× ×¢× ×צ×Ø ×××Ŗ× ×).
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××××Ŗ ā ש××Ŗ××× ××××Ø×× ×¢× 11 ×× ×©×× + ×Ŗ×× ×ק/×Ŗ ā ×צ××¢ ××”×××: ק××× ×¢×¦×× ×ש×××× ×¤×× × ×¤×× ×, ×××צ×Ø: ××Ø××× (פ×Ŗ××× ×××¢×Ø× ××צע ×פ×Ø××), פ×× ×××× ×××Ŗ×§× ×××Ø××ק×× ×©×Ŗ×××Ø× ××¢××, ×¢×Ø×”××× ×× ×× ××.
× ××Ŗ× ×ק×× ××Ŗש××× × ××”×£ ××Ø××××Ŗ ××ק×Ø, צ××Ø××× ×××¢×Ø× - ×× × ×©××× ×××Ŗ× × ×פ×Ø×××.
×¢× ×× ××××Ŗ ×ש ש××××, ×××”×××Ŗ, ש××ש×××Ŗ, ××××Ø ×¢× ××©× ×××××Ø× ××××Ø××××Ŗ ×ק×ׄ; ×××××× ×× ××£ ×פ×Ŗ×× 360 ××¢×××Ŗ ××××¢ ××××.
××××Ŗ × ××ש ××××Ø× ×× ××× - פ×Ø××× ×××ש×.
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××××Ø×× × ××ש×× ××××Ø×××
×× ××××Ŗ ××Øש××Ŗ ××××Ø×××, ×××× ×××Ø ×××Ø×× ××Ŗ.
×ק×××Ŗ ×צ'ק-××× ×× ×××××Ŗ ×צ'ק-×××× ā ××¢××Ŗ×× × ××Ŗ× ××ק××× ××Ŗ שע×Ŗ ×צ'ק-××× ×-6 שע××Ŗ ×-10:00 ×××ק×Ø (××ק×× 16:00, ××××¢× ×"××Øש××") ×× ××××Ø ××Ŗ שע×Ŗ ×צ'ק-×××× ×-6 שע××Ŗ ×¢× 17:00 (××ק×× 11:00, ××××¢× ×"××Øש××"). ×¢×××Ŗ ×× ×©×× ×× ×Ø××¢ ×××××Ø ××××. ×××§×©× ×¦×Ø× ×¢××× × ×§×©×Ø ×× ×ש ××× ×¢× ××× ×××.
×××Ø×× × ×הפ×× ×©×××× ×××¢×Ŗ
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×× ××”
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× ××Ŗ× ×ק×× ××Ŗש××× × ××”×£ ××Ø××××Ŗ ××ק×Ø, צ××Ø××× ×××¢×Ø× - ×× × ×©××× ×××Ŗ× × ×פ×Ø×××.
×¢× ×× ××××Ŗ ×ש ש××××, ×××”×××Ŗ, ש××ש×××Ŗ, ××××Ø ×¢× ××©× ×××××Ø× ××××Ø××××Ŗ ×ק×ׄ; ×××××× ×× ××£ ×פ×Ŗ×× 360 ××¢×××Ŗ ××××¢ ××××.
××××Ŗ × ××ש ××××Ø× ×× ××× - פ×Ø××× ×××ש×.
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×××Ø×× × ×הפ×× ×©×××× ×××¢×Ŗ
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××Ŗ× ×¦×××, ×× ××××Ø×× ××Ø× "×××× × ××××××Ŗ" ××× ××שפ×××Ŗ ×× ××××××Ŗ ××××. ×× ××××××Ø ××××Ø×× ×©× ×§××צ×Ŗ ×××Ø××/×××Ø××Ŗ, ×× ××××× ×× ×××× ×××××Ŗ ×פש×Ø×, ×× ××¤× × ××××× × ×××§×©× ×¦×Ø× ×¢××× × ×§×©×Ø.
Property amenities
- Fenced private pool
- Outdoor pool
- Available in the villa: Free WiFi
Parking and transport
- Parking on site
- Blender
- Cookware, dishware, and utensils
- Dishwasher
- Electric kettle
- Hob
- Kitchenette
- Microwave
- Oven
- Refrigerator
- Spices
- Toaster
- Dining table
- 4 bedrooms
- Bedsheets provided
- 2.5 bathrooms
- Bathtub
- Shower
- Toilet paper
- Towels provided
Living spaces
- Dining table
- TV
Outdoor areas
- Balcony
- Barbecue grill
- Garden
- Washing machine
Work spaces
- Desk
- Desk chair
- Air conditioning
- Heating
- Pet friendly
- Welcoming cats and dogs only
- Up to 9 kg per pet
- Designated smoking areas
Location highlights
- In a rural location
- In a village
- In the mountains
Safety features
- Carbon monoxide detector not reported (host has not indicated whether there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property; consider bringing a portable detector)
- Smoke detector not reported (host has not indicated whether there is a smoke detector on the property)
- Garden
Check-in time starts at 4:00 PM
Minimum check-in age - 21
Check-out before 11:00 AM
Special check-in instructions
You will receive an email from the host with check-in and check-out instructions
- Pets are welcome
- Only dogs and cats are allowed
- Maximum 2 (weight limit: 20 lb per pet)
- Restrictions apply
- For more information, you can reach out to the property at the number on the booking confirmation
Children and extra beds
- Children are welcome.
Important information
You need to know
Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on property policy
Government-issued photo identification and a credit card, debit card or cash deposit may be required at check-in for incidental charges
Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges; special requests cannot be guaranteed
On-site parties or group events are strictly prohibited
Host has not indicated whether there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property; consider bringing a portable detector with you on the trip
Host has not indicated whether there is a smoke detector on the property
This property is managed through our partner, Vrbo. You will receive an email from Vrbo with a link to a Vrbo account, where you can change or cancel your reservation
Charges for extra guests may apply and vary according to property policy.
A cash deposit, credit card or debit card for incidental charges and government-issued photo identification may be required upon check-in.
Special requests are subject to availability at the time of check-in. Special requests can't be guaranteed and may incur additional charges.
A cash deposit, credit card or debit card for incidental charges and government-issued photo identification may be required upon check-in.
Special requests are subject to availability at the time of check-in. Special requests can't be guaranteed and may incur additional charges.
- This property is managed by a private host, not a professional engaged in trade or business.
On-site parties or group events are strictly prohibited.
We should mention
- To make arrangements for your pet, contact the property directly using the information on your booking confirmation.
Frequently asked questions
Are there any beaches close to Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee?
The closest beach to Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee is Betzet Beach (18 km).
Does Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee have a pool?
Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee has an outdoor pool.
Is there a private hot tub at Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee?
No, but there is a private pool.
Is there a free airport shuttle available at Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee?
No, Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee does not offer an airport shuttle service.
What time are check-in & check-out at Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee?
Check-in begins at 4:00 PM. Check-out time is 11:00 AM.
Country-Style House by the Nature, Western Galilee Reviews
Rating 10 - Excellent. 0 out of 0 reviews" "
10 - Excellent
Rating 8 - Good. 0 out of 0 reviews" "
8 - Good
Rating 6 - Okay. 0 out of 0 reviews" "
6 - Okay
Rating 4 - Poor. 0 out of 0 reviews" "
4 - Poor
Rating 2 - Terrible. 0 out of 0 reviews" "
2 - Terrible
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