*Back by popular demand!! -- Granny's House is restored and ready for your family vacation!*
Escape the chaos of city life by visiting our beautiful, warm mountain home. Built in the early 1940's by our grandparents, you will feel the presence of love, laughter and memories as soon as you walk through the door.
On the property, you can enjoy sounds of two mountain streams that run across the property. Relax on one of our two covered porches as you enjoy the refreshing mountain air. If you love campfire stories and S'mores, our property features a private patio area with a hand built fire pit, crafted with river rocks from the property. In the summer months, you will be able to pick and enjoy heirloom blueberries that have been nurtured by many generations of our family. Abundant wildlife inhabit the property, providing an opportunity to view amazing and beautiful creatures as they pass through.
Our home is perfectly located within minutes of any mountain adventure you would like to explore. As avid hikers, campers and fishers, we've even left some "local tips, tricks and tools" for you to read and use!
Attractions nearby include:
Linville Gorge Wilderness- Entrance @ Hwy 105- < 2 miles
Linville Falls Winery - 4.3 miles
Linville Caverns - 6.3 miles
Linville Falls (via Blue Ridge Parkway) - 4 miles
Grandfather Mountain- 12 miles
Boone/Appalachian State- 26 miles
Table Rock, Hawksbill Mountain Trails- 10 miles
Jonas Ridge Snowtubing- 1.5 miles
Sugar Mountain Ski Resort- 15 miles
Refinery 13 Taproom - 25 miles