Turcianske Teplice Holiday Packages
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Book your Turcianske Teplice holiday
Wotif will help you save hard-earned cash!
Our brilliant packages combine your flights and hotels to make life easy.
Exploring Turcianske Teplice will be trouble free with those extra savings.
Your savings could add up to if you book a package today. How do you do this? Simply pick and choose from more than 550 airlines and 665,000 properties.
Wotif has some of the top prices under the sun. So stop fantasising and start creating new experiences.
Turcianske Teplice Accommodation
At the moment, Turcianske Teplice has no Wotif-listed properties available, so you may have to look at booking somewhere slightly further out. Nedožery is 16 kilometres away and has some terrific places, such as the Hotel Belassi, Hotel Preuge, Hotel Pod Zámkom and Penzion Maxim.
Car Hire in Turcianske Teplice
Are you hoping to waltz out of the arrivals hall at Sliac Airport and rent a vehicle? At the moment there are no car rental companies in or around the terminal, so you'll need to come up with a plan B.
Holidays to Turcianske Teplice
Looking to scratch your travel itch in Turcianske Teplice? We certainly can't blame you. But before you fly off to this spectacular destination, how about we get you up to speed on the basics?
Turcianske Teplice is a short drive from a couple of significant cities. Handlová is 16 kilometres to the south, while Kremnica is 19 kilometres away to the south.
Top Turcianske Teplice hotels

Royal Palace
Reviewed on 24 Apr. 2024

Reviewed on 1 Oct. 2024

Rezidencia OPERA
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